Loyal Lodge 252

Welcome to Loyal Lodge 252 located in St. James, NY. We hope you can join us for our next adventure. If you are Scandinavian by heritage or interest, you are welcome to come for a visit and see for yourself who we are. We meet at Norway Hall, pictured above, at 201 Seventh Street, St. James, NY 11780. Use the Contact Us link above for directions.

Last Meeting

We last met on Friday, May 3rd at 7:30pm. We had a “Brothers Eve” dinner at 1:00pm that was hosted by Brother Eric and other brothers. All who came enjoyed the feast of cabbage and pot roast. Then we had a business meeting where we were led by our President Eric Johansson. We had some lively discussions and were informed about Gala Celebration on June 2nd that celebrates the 100th year of our Lodge. You can see our new logo above!

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Friday, September 6th at 7:30pm. Before the meeting we will have a Sister’s Eve dinner which starts at 6:30 pm. We will be still glowing after our wonderful 100th Anniversary Gala Event on June 2nd. As always, following the meeting there will be a Coffee Hour.

It is fun to see the Norwegian flag flying for our meetings. See a picture of it at right.

Like us on our NEW Facebook page

Thanks to Merideth and Kirsten Johansson, we have a new facebook page. Click the link and see what is new. Please take the time to “like us” because this will make our exposure to potential new members much larger.

Upcoming Events

Heritage Club Meeting

The next meeting will be sometime this summer to make beer for the fall meetings and plan some fun activities.

We will also find out if our viking ship is seaworthy or not. Come help us decide when and how to christen our ship. We have heard that you must do two things first.

Select a name that reflects the boat’s purpose, your interests, or a special connection and Invite loved ones to witness and participate in the ceremony.

Spaghetti/Bingo Dinner

We will have a special fun event on Saturday evening September 21st at 5:30pm. Come for the Spaghetti dinner and stay for the Bingo.

Little Vikings on holiday for the summer!

Our Little Vikings are all off on their sea adventures so they will not be meeting this summer. All Little Vikings who are ages 3 to 11 are invited to show their summer exploits in the next meeting sometime in September. Come back to this page soon to see when we meet!

Scandinavian Authors Book Club

Our summer book will be “Cold Victory” by Karl Marlantes. The meeting is scheduled for July 14th at 2pm.

Walking Club

Come walk with us on Sunday, June 29th at 9:30am in the Frank Melville Park in Setauket. We will meet outside the Setauket Post Office which is on Main Street just west of the Emma Clarke Library.

Want to join our lodge??

Click this link to JOIN Loyal Lodge.

Already a member?

Click this RENEW Link